Cyber ​​security behavioral training

Strengthen your digital security and restore your Privacy

Cyber ​​security specialists agree that awareness is the first step in implementing a cyber security plan. Employees attend awareness training several times a year and know why cyber security is important within your organization.

But if you really want to improve information security, your employees not only need to know why cyber security is important, but also need to know what they can do themselves to improve cyber security. Cyber ​​security is not just a task for the IT department, as many employees think.

The researchers at Intercross are experts in finding sensitive information. Our experts often find this information through the thoughtless internet behavior of perhaps your employees and the thoughtless publishing on social media. An innocent photo can reveal your private address. 

We know better than anyone how to use the internet safely and can provide your employees with training to use the internet safely without cyber criminals being able to obtain privacy-sensitive information.

Training 1: Safe Online Manifesting

This training is designed to teach you how to effectively present yourself online without unnecessarily revealing a lot of personal information. We cover strategies for protecting your privacy while still having a presence on digital platforms. Our experts share insights and techniques to manage and strengthen your online presence without compromising your privacy. This training can be tailored to the specific needs and issues of your organization.

Training 2: Restore Your Privacy

If your privacy online has already been compromised, it is crucial to know how to restore it. Our "Recover Your Privacy" training provides practical steps and guidance to restore your privacy after a breach or data breach. We teach you how to minimize online traces, remove unwanted information and protect your digital identity. This training is tailor-made to specifically respond to the problems within your organization.

For companies and private individuals

Whether you are a business owner looking to protect your organization's online reputation or an individual looking to strengthen his or her personal privacy, our training courses are tailor-made to help you improve digital security and privacy.

Contact us today for more information. Your privacy is our priority.

Strengthen your digital security and restore your Privacy

Cyber ​​security specialists agree that awareness is the first step in implementing a cyber security plan. Employees attend awareness training several times a year and know why cyber security is important within your organization.

But if you really want to improve information security, your employees not only need to know why cyber security is important, but also need to know what they can do themselves to improve cyber security. Cyber ​​security is not just a task for the IT department, as many employees think.

The researchers at Intercross are experts in finding sensitive information. Our experts often find this information through the thoughtless internet behavior of perhaps your employees and the thoughtless publishing on social media. An innocent photo can reveal your private address. 

We know better than anyone how to use the internet safely and can provide your employees with training to use the internet safely without cyber criminals being able to obtain privacy-sensitive information.

Training 1: Safe Online Manifesting

This training is designed to teach you how to effectively present yourself online without unnecessarily revealing a lot of personal information. We cover strategies for protecting your privacy while still having a presence on digital platforms. Our experts share insights and techniques to manage and strengthen your online presence without compromising your privacy. This training can be tailored to the specific needs and issues of your organization.

Training 2: Restore Your Privacy

If your privacy online has already been compromised, it is crucial to know how to restore it. Our "Recover Your Privacy" training provides practical steps and guidance to restore your privacy after a breach or data breach. We teach you how to minimize online traces, remove unwanted information and protect your digital identity. This training is tailor-made to specifically respond to the problems within your organization.

For companies and private individuals

Whether you are a business owner looking to protect your organization's online reputation or an individual looking to strengthen his or her personal privacy, our training courses are tailor-made to help you improve digital security and privacy.

Contact us today for more information. Your privacy is our priority.

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Je dynamische snippet wordt hier weergegeven ... Dit bericht wordt weergegeven omdat je niet zowel een filter als een sjabloon hebt opgegeven om te gebruiken.

Licensed private investigation agency

INTERCROSS investigative services is recognized by the Ministry of Justice and Security and is registered with number: POB 7547. All our employees have been screened and legitimized by the chief of police duties in the Central Gelderland Police region.

Learn more

INTERCROSS recherchediensten Arnhem, pob vergunning 7547

CALL IMMEDIATELY 085 - 21 29 403  or send a message via our contact page