Private investigator costs

Cost efficient and results oriented

It is almost impossible to say what a private detective costs. It always depends on your situation and your objectives how many hours we spend on it and what resources we have to deploy. In general, we can say that our hourly rate depends on the size of the project, the level of difficulty, the working hours, travel costs and the use of external private researchers, resources and software. Our net hourly rate is between €60 and €95 per hour excluding VAT and excluding additional travel costs and costs for one-time use resources and software licenses. 

What we find at least as important is that you can expect real results when you hire us. We want you to be able to say afterwards that our research has benefited you, rather than incurring additional costs. 

Cost efficient and results oriented

It is almost impossible to say what a private detective costs. It always depends on your situation and your objectives how many hours we spend on it and what resources we have to deploy. In general, we can say that our hourly rate depends on the size of the project, the level of difficulty, the working hours, travel costs and the use of external private researchers, resources and software. Our net hourly rate is between €60 and €95 per hour excluding VAT and excluding additional travel costs and costs for one-time use resources and software licenses. 

What we find at least as important is that you can expect real results when you hire us. We want you to be able to say afterwards that our research has benefited you, rather than incurring additional costs. 

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Licensed private investigation agency

INTERCROSS investigative services is recognized by the Ministry of Justice and Security and is registered with number: POB 7547. All our employees have been screened and legitimized by the chief of police duties in the Central Gelderland Police region.

Learn more

INTERCROSS recherchediensten Arnhem, pob vergunning 7547

CALL IMMEDIATELY 085 - 21 29 403  or send a message via our contact page