Prevention of internal company fraud

Preventiecheck company value chain

You may have never heard of Michael Porter or the company value chain. It is those parts of your business operations where you can make the difference compared to your competition. It covers almost all internal and external business processes that your company has to deal with.

And with so many processes and so many people, something sometimes goes wrong. You don't want to keep checking everyone and checking everything because that takes time. And time costs money. You already get it!

Unfortunately,  there are employees within your organization who abuse this. They are already somewhat dissatisfied with the organization and now see an opportunity to personally benefit from the organizational weaknesses in your company.

You could have prevented this if you had had a scan carried out by INTERCROSS recherchediensten BV. 

Ethical testing of your organization

Fortunately, we have 35 years of experience in corporate fraud and can help you avoid making the same mistakes we've seen before.

We go through your entire company step by step, from department to department. We audit your software, evaluate the actions of all your employees and thoroughly test your control mechanisms. All our findings are noted and you will receive a detailed report from us.

Preventiecheck company value chain

You may have never heard of Michael Porter or the company value chain. It is those parts of your business operations where you can make the difference compared to your competition. It covers almost all internal and external business processes that your company has to deal with.

And with so many processes and so many people, something sometimes goes wrong. You don't want to keep checking everyone and checking everything because that takes time. And time costs money. You already get it!

Unfortunately,  there are employees within your organization who abuse this. They are already somewhat dissatisfied with the organization and now see an opportunity to personally benefit from the organizational weaknesses in your company.

You could have prevented this if you had had a scan carried out by INTERCROSS recherchediensten BV. 

Ethical testing of your organization

Fortunately, we have 35 years of experience in corporate fraud and can help you avoid making the same mistakes we've seen before.

We go through your entire company step by step, from department to department. We audit your software, evaluate the actions of all your employees and thoroughly test your control mechanisms. All our findings are noted and you will receive a detailed report from us.

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Je dynamische snippet wordt hier weergegeven ... Dit bericht wordt weergegeven omdat je niet zowel een filter als een sjabloon hebt opgegeven om te gebruiken.

Licensed private investigation agency

INTERCROSS investigative services is recognized by the Ministry of Justice and Security and is registered with number: POB 7547. All our employees have been screened and legitimized by the chief of police duties in the Central Gelderland Police region.

Learn more

INTERCROSS recherchediensten Arnhem, pob vergunning 7547

CALL IMMEDIATELY 085 - 21 29 403  or send a message via our contact page